Thursday, December 28, 2006

I wonder why

Christmas night, I was lying in my bed when it hit me that I had forgotten to write my blog. I wondered how I could forget; after all, it's the first one I've forgotten to write. Well, my mom suggested that I write my late blog on why people forget to do things around Christmas time. This is the question that I am going to explore.
First of all, there are many ordinary events and such which are cancelled in December. My Stake Youth Council, a meeting for young womens' president, etc. Many teachers, including Mr. Rich, lighten the homework load (except for these blogs). I came to Christmas break feeling the relief of these lightened loads. With these cancellations, came a reaxed (perhaps too relaxed) state of mind. (This doesn't mean at all that teachers should keep the homework, it is simply one reason that I forgot to write my blog. I'm not in any way trying to put the blame on anyone else other than myself).
Not only are ordinary events cancelled, but unusual things are going on. I usually write my blogs on Saturday nights. This was the day before Christmas Eve, and I was busy cleaning my house for the special holiday. While I should have done my blog previously, there were many extra activities going on, such as Chrsitmas parties. These unusual events caused my mind to skip over the ever-so-important blog which I am required to write on time for full credit. Along with these out of the ordinary Holiday events comes the reason of excitement. When I'm excited, I tend to neglect ordinary things. Such as, on Christmas morning, I often don't shower until the afternoon, which is VERY weird to me. With the excitement, I forget about normal things that I do.
Finally, during the holiday season, my mind and body are completely preoccupied. There are so many things to do, places to celan, people to visit, family to spend time with and many many more things to keep my attnetion away from ordinary things like my blog. While it is late and worth only half credit, this is my blog for the week leading u to Christmas Eve. I have answered fully the question of why I forgot to do my homework. Bad me, but not really. I've just been caught up in the season, and that's not so bad. My mind and body were distracted by excitement, special events, and the cancellation of many regular schedules and due dates. Oh well. Half credit will half to suffice. Tata!


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