Sunday, January 21, 2007

Man vs Nature

This weekend my dad and younger brothers went on a campout with the ward young men. In case anyone doesn't know, it's darn cold outside right now. My mother and I (as well as my little sister) were at home wondering why anyone would want to put themselves through a night of bitter coldness in the mountains...for ENTERTAINMENT? It didn't make sense to us, so that's my question to explore.
When we tried to talk my dad out of the crazy overnighter he said there was no way he'd cancel because the youth were set on it and excited. I think part of the reason for the winter campouts is the tradition that can be found. Every year, they have to go on some sort of excursion. If they didn't, they'd be breaking a tradition (even if it is a cold one).
The second reason I came up with is the factor of excitement and fun activities. They go up to Aspen Grove and go sledding every year. They have a blast, and the temperature helps (rather than hurt) the activity of sledding. They also have campfires, which are also more fun to have when you aren't hot.
The final reason that I could come up with was the gaining of Survival Skills for a scout. They get to go up and set up camp, learn what to pack in order to stay warm, build a campfire, cook meals and get along with those around them. These are all very valuable skills to obtain.
Well, I asked my dad if these reasons were acurate. He said that they are, but added another reason. This is the reason of "Personal Growth," as he put it. The youth go and learn independence. They do things that will help them go from being a boy to being a man.
After this blog, I can actually see some reasoning in having winter campouts. It's kind of funny, because every time I write a blog, I end up proving my doubts or questions wrong. Oh well... I guess that's the whole purpose ... to see the world in another point of view. Cool. TaTa! Love ya'll!


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