Tanner the Better?
So, I have a grandmother who goes tanning six out of seven days in the week. Her skin is leathery and in pictures people think that she's my black grandmother. It's sad that she feels that it's necessary to alter her appearance. So, the question I want to ask is: Why is it so much more "attractive" to be tan in America than fair?
In the olden days, a tan woman was one who worked outside and was considered lower in rank. To have fair skin seemed to have signified wealth. It's funny how it's kind of the opposite now. Well, I guess that the first reason that people like to be tan is because the people in Hollywood always seem to be tan. To me, this is the most ridiculous possibility, but I know that it really is one reason. Many people, unfortunately, look to the "celebrities" to find their fashion advice. So, that's the most obvious reason.
Next, nowadays to look good in a swimming-suit or play a sport all the time can be very attractive. These would both include getting tan. When one is tan, it can show that they are outside being active a lot which has become a big attraction lately in the media. I know that when I was in seventh grade I wanted tan legs because my friend that ran track had tan legs. So, perhaps this is the second reason that being tan is attractive.
Thirdly, people always seem to feel that changing their appearance can make them more attractive. This can be seen in the fads of changing hair color, wearing make-up, shaving legs, etc. Due to the caucasian naturally fair skin, becoming tan and changing ones appearance is just another way to due so to feel more confident in your own appearance. This is ironic that doing something harmful can become attractive (of course this is how it was with smoking for many years).
Finally, people like to be tan because they're used to it, they get to change their appearance, the celebrities are tan, and lets face it, being in the sun is a "hot" activity that feels good (unless you get burned). People continue to tan for many reasons. I've named the main ones and I'm sure there are more that I can't think of. Still, it's just another stupid tradition that won't be broken. Tan will go on being attractive for who knows how long. If only fair skin were still the sign of dignity, wealth and beauty. We'd have a healthier community. Love ya'll. Bye.
Man, I wish being fair was the "beautiful" thing now, because I'd much rather be that since that's all I can be! Eh, I like my fair skin, even when I blush beyond all reason. =D
Love ya!
April 03, 2007 6:24 PM
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