Why does society like Harry Potter?
All over America and in parts of Europe, there is a book series that everyone knows about. Whether you like it or not, Harry Potter is a reknowned series by the famous J.K. Rowling. Well, why does almost everyone, including me, love to read the Harry Potter series.
When I pick up a book, I read the back or inside cover to see what they style and plot will be like. This is because the first chapter can often be very deceiving. It could start the book out in an amazing way, then allow the story to drift off to bordom and dullness. Others, such as A Tale of Two Cities, start out in a very difficult and boring to read text. Afterwords, the book can only improve. These are deceiving ways to start a book. However, Harry Potter starts and finishes in an amazing way. The first chapter of every book is filled with content and excitement. After this, the plot may or may not depen, but the story is always amazing. The book ends with just as much excitment and emotion as it starts with.
People love to be hooked on a book. I read the most recent books in less than a week each. That's the fastest I've ever read any chapter book, and they range from 300-800 pages on average. It is obvious that J.K. Rowling has the ability to hook her reader.
I am also usually a person who prefers historical fiction or over fantasy. If I have the choice between a story from American history or a book of magic and talking animals, I'll almost always choose the historical setting. Nonetheless, I love Harry Potter. There is something about her style of writing that makes you feel like you're part of the story. When Harry has the sorting hat on, when he meets his god-father and when Dumbledor dies, you feel like you're right there alongside him. Harry Potter becomes your alli, and you want him to succeed. You can't put the book down because every chapter leaves you hanging. When you reach the end of a book, you wish you hadn't, and want the next book to be waiting on your shelf.
There's just something about J.K. Rowling's style of writing that gets nearly every reader hooked. She has the ability to make you feel as if you're a part of the story, right alongside with Ron Hermoine and Harry. Realists and fantasy-lovers alike fall in love with Dumbledore and Harry. The magic isn't the story, but rather an element used merely to carry the plot. It's the ability to bring characters and situations to life that brings J.K. Rowling such success and makes everyone want to keep reading. I can't wait for the seventh book to come out, and I hope there will be more that follow.