Who needs religion?
I DO! I know that I need religion in my life. That's an obvious fact for myself. So why do I need it? What makes my religion so important and special in my life.
Religion gives us a purpose in life. It usually teaches people why they're here and what they're supposed to be doing. My religion lets me know that I'm here for a special purpose and that there are things that I need to do, as well as things that I'm not supposed to do. Without this knowledge, I'd be in big trouble doing things that I can't imagine doing with what I know.
Secondly, my religion lets me know that this life isn't the end. I'm here to prove that I can do what I'm supposed to do. When I die, it certainly isn't the end, but a new beginning. Without that knowledge, life and death would be a lot more worrysome and depressing. While it's still sad, it's easier to cope with, when you know that death isn't the end.
Next, my religion has a leader telling me what to do. This leader is the prophet of the church, and he gives us constant revelative guidance. This helps so much to have someone alive now leading me and showing me what I need to be doing. This is an awsome gift and I'm so glad that I have a modern-day prophet. It's so cool.
The fourth reason that religion is so important to me is that it is a big part of my life. I go to church once a week for three hours, go to young womens' once a week for about 1 1/2 hours, I read scriptures and words of my leaders every day, and I have many many more opportunities to make my religion part of my life.
Finally, religion is important to me because it gives me a reason to keep on going and do what I'm supposed to. I can stay on the right path because I believe that my religion is true. I have built my own person testimony of the truth of my religion. I've made it a part of my life, and I'm grateful for it. It's so amazing to have a strong knowledge and faith in such amazing beliefs. It's awsome. I love my religion as a Latter Day Saint, and I'm so glad that it's important and necessary to me. Love Ya'll!