Monday, May 14, 2007

Rock 'n' Roll

Well, it's obviously been one of those weekends where I simply forgot to write my blog. However, this one's extra credit, so half credit's fine. Today, my question is: Why do we listen to different types of music at different times?
Well, I guess the first reason we might listen to a certain station on the radio is our location. If we're in the car with our family (which isn't the same as being in a car with just my mom), we might listen to either Sesame Street Monsters, Dad's Rock, or whatever Dad feels in the mood for. If you're in a teen clothing store, you may want to plug your ears (for sound and lyrics). If you're in a resturaunt it will be more easy-going. If I'm in my kitchen, it's usually KOZY 106.5 because my mom sets the station. I think it's pretty safe to say that location can influence what music you hear.
Secondly, we listen to different types of music depending on what time of day it is and what we're doing. If we're just waking up it might be optimistic music to start the day out right. If we're driving it might be upbeat music to keep us happy. If it's homework time, I've heard of people (not myself) who listen to classical music. I have to have it silent. Finally, if you listen to music going to bed, it will most likely be easy-going so it soothes and relaxes you.
The third reason would be who we're with. Being with friends, family, adults, siblings and others may influence the type of music that we listen to.
The final reason we listen to certain types of music is our mood. What we listen to changes depending on if we're feeling upbeat, sad, happy, spiritual, angry, stressed, scared or excited. Just about every emotion can require a different song for me. Yes, our emotions are probably the number one reason for picking the music that we listen to during the day.
Well, I believe I've done it for the final time this school year. I've answered my question. We listen to different types of music based on our location, time of day, feelings and who we're with. Tada. Love ya'll. Bye.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Why a test score?

So, I was talking to a school counselor about how little colleges look at GPAs compared to how much they look at test scores. So, my question for this week is: Why do the test scores mean more than the GPA?
So, I guess the first reason would be that almost anyone could get a 4.0 if they took classes like foods, seminary, and P.E. You can find classes that don't require any outside work. All you have to do is show up and listen, participate and etc. So that's probably one reason that GPAs aren't as reliable as test scores.
Secondly, I think that the students who are taking the classes that really require a lot of hard work might be the ones who aren't getting complete straight As. They are taking harder classes with SO much more work involved and get lower grades know, only so much can be done before you take a history test. So the ones who are at higher levels might not be getting as good of grades as those who take the easiest levels. While good grades do show a desire to try, not so good grades don't mean that the person isn't smart or didn't try really hard in school.
Finally, the last reason that I can think of that a college would prefer to look at test scores would be because it tests your actual knowledge. While the ACT and SAT don't test all of your abilities, they get you pretty hard on the things that you are supposed to have learned in school. I do think that there are acceptions however. Some people freeze up on tests, it also may not be fair to test only one attribute (that of intellegence) rather than encompassing your ability to work hard, endure and be a respectful student who's willing to learn.
While I don't necessarily agree with seeing test scores above a GPA, I have been able to examine the points from where the schools are coming from. They want to know your actual applied knowledge ... not you. (Just Teasing).
Well, I decided to do this blog today because my weekend's FULL! It's the end of the school year and I think I'm going to do homework, run, more homework, and go to sleep. Love ya'll. Bye.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Why procrastinate?

Every day we see people who procrastinate and we see the consequences. They are very rarely positive consequences. People likely do this for more reasons than one. Today...tonight I will examine these reasons. I'll try to dig to the heart of the different types of and reasons for procrastinating. This really shouldn't be too hard, considering that there is a side of procrastination in all of us... somewhere... I think.
The first reason for procrastination would be the dread of doing something due to its boring or undesirable nature. People don't want to do things that aren't fun. It's a fact of life. This is one reason where there are some who struggle, and some who refuse to because they want to enjoy their time later. Unlike some of the other likely reasons, this one is avoidable by simply getting the boring over with to enjoy the better.
The second reason that people procrastinate is because of their fear. When a human fears something they subconsciously set it aside and procrastinate it. This is kind of funny that our nature leads us to do this because we end up putting ourselves through more when we procrastinate the things that we fear most.
Thirdly, people forget. I don't know if this counts as procrastination, but I think it does in some circumstances. When we forget about something, it may come to mind at an inconvenient time, causing us to put it aside until a later time (which may turn out to be too late).
Finally, I think that people procrastinate because of their busy lives. This is one of the reasons that I do the most of my procrastination (which I try to keep under control for the most part). We often have so many things going on that we simply do not have time to do everything. I often need to find time for a break, putting off things I should do.
While procrastination isn't good, we all do at some point. After seeing all of the different ways that it can happen, I think it's safe to say that as long as we keep it in check, a little bit of procrastination won't kill us. This is, of course, if we don't put off extreme things . Well, I'm going to go to bed. I'm sorry if this isn't very analytical. I procrastinated it and am writing it at like 10:45 on Saturday night. I'm tired. I want to go to sleep. I did my best. Love ya'll. Bye.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


So, I've been wondering lately what leads a person to intimidation. We're all intimidated, it seems, by different people at different times. And then there are those who are never intimidated at all. So, what is it that causes a person to feel these feelings ( or the lack of )? That is my question for the evening.
I like to base my reasons off of different experiences that I can think of. I know some people who are intimidated by those who know more than them. This is how I often feel when my friends use really big words around me. This makes me feel like I'm twelve, therefore the intimidation rises. While this isn't so much the case anymore (I've gotten used to hearing words that I couldn't even guess the meaning to --just kidding...sort of...anyways) I can still see how this would be a main cause or factor.
Age can be another cause for such feelings. When someone is older than you, it can feel uncomfortable adressing them on a regualr person to person basis. You can feel inferior. On the other hand, when one is old, they can feel intimidated by the culture of the younger generations.
Thirdly, gender can be a factor. Some women, I'm sure are intimidated around men, and vise versa ( I have no idea how to spell that). Men can feel intimidated around women because of their emotions, and women with men due to their traditional supposedly superior qualities (absolutely no gender prejudice or offense was meant in any of this paragraph).
Finally, I think that a huge reason for intimidation is personality type. For instance, I know an absolutely gorgeous girl who has the most wonderful outgoing personality. I think this can lead to intimidation. However, I don't think that she should change at all, because that's lame of anyone to be intimidated. Wow, reading what I just wrote, I can tell that it's really late at night. Oh well. Anyways...while having others feel intimidated can be really frustrating, I'm realizing that it really doesn't matter in the long run. Whoever we meet, like, and are liked back by can be our friends, and that's all that matters. Those who are considered intimidating by anyone shouldn't try to change themselves at all. Being considered intimidating is better than feeling inadequit and intimidated yourself.
I appologize if this doesn't make any sense. I'm not really coming to a specific conclusion, but I know that intimidation isn't as big of a deal as I thought that it was when I started writing this blog. Everything works out for the best. Love ya'll. Bye.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Here's some pictures from MORP.

It was a blast.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


So lately, I've felt like I keep on messing up. I make mistakes similar to those I've already made. I end up feeling stupid, and my question for today is...Why do we make such silly mistakes, such as those that we've already made?
We learn from the time that we can understand, that we make mistakes to learn from them. So, why would I make such similar mistakes back to back? Well, first of all it could be because I don't see the similarity of the situations until after they're both through. I won't see the same mistake about to happen. I know that this happens a lot, and then I look back and can see the similarity very clearly. It's hard sometimes when we can't see the end from the beginning. Luckily, Someone can.
Secondly, if I make the mistake the second time, I obviously haven't learned my lesson to the extent that I need to. Through the second time, I always end up learning more than I did the first time. I guess that this is an extremely good reason to make the same mistake twice (or more). You have to learn the fullness of your lesson before you can prevent it from happening again. This requires a test of your ability to apply what you've learned to the second situation. If you're not ready, you may do it again, but now that I think about's worth it.
Mistakes really are there for us to learn. I guess that if we all were able to get on and ride our bike the first time we tried, we wouldn't have the self-motivation that we need...that we gain from falling more than once. Mistakes are meant to be, and I'm grateful that I've been able to learn that. Once you do get to the end of something, you can see the whole picture (rather than only the beginning). Or, perhaps you'll see a whole new picture. That can certainly be the case. I guess I"ve answered my question. Bye. Love ya'll.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Knowledge vs Education

So today I had a conversation with a guy who's twenty-three and does investing for a living. He has not gained a formal education and does not plan on doing so. He took a couple of courses on investing in real estate and such, but has now moved on to the bond business. After our conversation, I would like to analyze why I think that education is so very important in this world.
First of all, education pays in our society. In order to get most jobs that can support a family, you have to have a degree. Then, in order to move up on the occupation ladder, you have to gain experience. This experience usually has to be gained from the job that requires a degree. In order to go out on your own, it helps to have had some years working for someone else. While many uneducated humans hit the jackpot (literally or figuratively). the majority of highly-paid or highly-successful people have gained an university degree.
The guy I spoke with, however, felt that he is going to be one of those people who doesn't need the education, just the knowledge to go big. He claimed that teachers don't usually know all that there is to be known. I then replied that if teachers were paid more, schools could find higher-qualified teachers (except for Mr. Rich, because it doesn't get more qualified than that). While I realize that there aren't any teachers that know everything (except for Mr. Rich or coursre), the majority do know what they are doing, and I have never taken a class in which I haven't learned something to help me in life. As I get older and take my various classes, I have seen them begin to intertwine and prepare me for a life that I couldn't live the same way without my education. Education not only prepares for the workforce, it prepares you for life by teaching life-long lessons that I will NEVER forget.
Education is something that so many people in America take for granite. We have SOOOO many opportunities to gain knowledge through public and private education. While there are many options of how to gain an education, it is my belief, as well as my family's, that one should gain as much education as they can. My dad in the past ten-twelve years, has learned the importance of certified education. In this time period, he as started a welding business, built lease-out warehouses in Idaho, had to give up the welding business, move to Utah, go to College in his late thirties, and finally find a job that pays to support a growing family. While we were never hurting for money, without his education, the job he held wasn't sufficient for what he wanted for his family. He dropped out of college his first semester as a teenager. He has told me that if he could go back and change what he did, that would be one of the biggest things he would change. He would take advantage of the opportunity to gain that education while he was young. My dad is one reason why I believe in the power of a public or private extended education.
While there are many jobs that seem appealing to me at this time, elementary school teaching is near the top. In order to give knowledge to children through education, I have to gain the right knowledge through my own education. Education pays and it helps to prepare you in ways that nothing else can. My own personal beliefs are that knowledge prepares you for life here, as well as life after. Knowledge can, as the investor said, be gained outside of a classroom. While I belive this, that kind of knowledge isn't the only kind I want. I want to take my opportunities at a formal education which I have been given as an American. While school is hard, I believe very much in its importance in a potentially successful life to come ( and to go for eternity). Love ya'll. Bye.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Tanner the Better?

So, I have a grandmother who goes tanning six out of seven days in the week. Her skin is leathery and in pictures people think that she's my black grandmother. It's sad that she feels that it's necessary to alter her appearance. So, the question I want to ask is: Why is it so much more "attractive" to be tan in America than fair?
In the olden days, a tan woman was one who worked outside and was considered lower in rank. To have fair skin seemed to have signified wealth. It's funny how it's kind of the opposite now. Well, I guess that the first reason that people like to be tan is because the people in Hollywood always seem to be tan. To me, this is the most ridiculous possibility, but I know that it really is one reason. Many people, unfortunately, look to the "celebrities" to find their fashion advice. So, that's the most obvious reason.
Next, nowadays to look good in a swimming-suit or play a sport all the time can be very attractive. These would both include getting tan. When one is tan, it can show that they are outside being active a lot which has become a big attraction lately in the media. I know that when I was in seventh grade I wanted tan legs because my friend that ran track had tan legs. So, perhaps this is the second reason that being tan is attractive.
Thirdly, people always seem to feel that changing their appearance can make them more attractive. This can be seen in the fads of changing hair color, wearing make-up, shaving legs, etc. Due to the caucasian naturally fair skin, becoming tan and changing ones appearance is just another way to due so to feel more confident in your own appearance. This is ironic that doing something harmful can become attractive (of course this is how it was with smoking for many years).
Finally, people like to be tan because they're used to it, they get to change their appearance, the celebrities are tan, and lets face it, being in the sun is a "hot" activity that feels good (unless you get burned). People continue to tan for many reasons. I've named the main ones and I'm sure there are more that I can't think of. Still, it's just another stupid tradition that won't be broken. Tan will go on being attractive for who knows how long. If only fair skin were still the sign of dignity, wealth and beauty. We'd have a healthier community. Love ya'll. Bye.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Why do cars loose so much value when you drive them off the lot?

We all know what happens when we buy a car and drive it off the lot. The value decreases dramatically by merely rolling the tire over the curb. That just cannot be right. Why does this happen? Why is the cost SO dramatically affected by such a small amount of time off of the lot?
When a car is purchased, it doesn't matter how long it's owned, it's now a used vehicle. We don't know who has technically had it in their possession. We don't know what has happend to or in the vehicle, and therefore, it isn't worth as much. For all the next buyer knows, the car could have been involved in an illegal activity, drugs, an accident, a theft, or even something illegal that the buyer isn't interested in (such as smoking, small children, food in the car, etc.).
Secondly, the car has an increased likelyhood of having been driven in a manner that is hard on the vehicle. It is likely that the warranty isn't collectibe or useable any more. People would prefer, if they're going to pay that much for a car, to buy it off of the lot with a new warranty. Why would they risk buying an expensive vehicle that could have previously inflicted problems and the costs that come along with such problems? They wouldn't. That's another reason that the car goes down in value so much by merely buying a new car.
I think that the final reason that the value decreases so much is that people like the word "new." Why would anyone want to buy a used car for the same price as a bran-spanking new one.
I guess that it really does make sense that the vehicle looses so much value by being purchased. It can just seem frustrating for owners of used vehicles that are in excellent condition, and wonderful for those who want to buy those lightly used cars. Oh well. It all makes sense now, and I am just happy because I am done with third term blogs!!!! (Even though this one was a day late). Love ya'll. Bye.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

It really doesn't make sense...

It has recently come to my attention that having big arm muscles isn't attractive on women like it is on men. While some men don't mind it, most would likely prefer skinny arms without any meat. Who made up the rule that attractive arms are weak ones? Why are skinny arms promoted on women rather than ones with muscles?
Truly, it doesn't make complete sense because women in many cases do all of the cleaning around the house. That takes muscle, I'm telling you. Washing toilets, vacuuming, but especially washing the floor ( and especially if you do it by hand on your hands and knees like we do at my house). Now, carrying children is an entirely different muscle strain, but it certainly is one. If all of the men carried their kids around the house all day instead of the women, then maybe it would be more reasonable for women to have extremely skinny arms.
OK, I still haven't answered my question, so here we go; I'll try to see it from the world's point of view. I guess that in the world's point of view, the first reason that women aren't supposed to have such big muscles is becuase of their supposed "dainty" nature. Women are seen as more calm, reserved, housekeeping ladies. While the times are changing, and our society is becoming more equalitarian in nature, I can see a slight increase in women's sport activity. I guess that muscles on women are more accepted than they likely used to be.
Perhaps a second reason that men don't want big muscles on a girl is becuase they don't want her to be stronger than they are (or even close). Men are raised with the image of a strong, tough, and manly man in their minds. Who wants their wife to be as tough as them? No one (until their stuck in a cave and their wife needs to lift a rock to free them).
The final likely reason for women's muscles not being as widely accepted is the fact that our society portrays the "idol" woman to be a skinny woman that is weak. This is SOOOOOOO wrong, and I hope to be able to see the world change in its views within my lifetime. I believe that this hopeful change has already begun as the media opens its lenses to the sporty side of the gender. They're allowing sporty women to be viewed as attractive. Maybe someday, that will include the incredibly strong women with muscles in their arms and legs (not just their abbs).
The reasons that society views less muscle on the arms as more attractive are that women are seen as dainty, skinny and supposedly weaker than their husbands. To me, these reasons aren't very strong, so maybe someday the idol woman will have muscles of steel within her arms (not just her heart). Someday, the media will portray real women as attractive women (because real women are the attractive women). Tata. Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

That's not mine!

After doing blogs this week, I've decided to analyze something that came up. Whenever I make a movie or something and hear it played back, I sound like a completely different person to myself. Why do we sound so different to ourselves on tape, but the same to everyone else? Why don't we like how we sound?
Technically, there are true scientific reasons for why we sound different. Our voices aren't vibrating in our heads, so the soundwaves sound different to us. When it's a videocamera listening to our voice rather than ourselves, we're able to hear it without the vibrations and different tone/sound that we normally hear with our own voices.
We sound different and don't like our voices played back to us because it isn't what we're used to. We're used to hearing our voice the way we hear it from within our bodies. To hear it differently can create an insecurity as we wonder if that's "what we really sound like." To us, it doesn't sound as deep and pure and we start to wonder if everyone else is hearing what you hear on the tape.
We sound different to ourselves because we're being put into an entirely new perspective. While you listen to yourself you've been given the opportunity to hear yourself as others hear you;outside of your own body. Others hear us as being the same because they're listening to you in the same perspective that they always do. This is why we sound the same to other people, just not ourselves. We're not used to listening to ourselves like we're someone else.
Finally, we don't like to hear ourselves talk on a recording because it feels like it isn't us anymore. When I listen to myself I almost feel as if that isn't really me. That's another person, or at least another side of me that I've never heard before. It's someone new, and I like the old me (old voice anyways) better.
I guess that the main reasons that we sound different and don't like our voices on a recording are:
1-It's a different perspective that we're not used to, and
2-There's a physical difference in how we actually hear the sound.
Well, I hope that this blog made sense to whoever is reading it. It made sense to me. It sounds good to my, but that's because I'm not listening to a recording of myself reading it. Just kidding. I love to laugh. Have a wonderful day ya'll. Bye.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

When you just can't stop...

I love to laugh. It's wonderful. Don't you love it when you're laughing uncontrolably and can't stop no matter how hard you try? It's so much fun. So, here's my question... What makes it so I can't stop laughing? What does it take to get to that point?
The first thing I need to make me laugh like crazy is to be in the mood. Then, something has to set it off to start the giggles. Usually, there's a gradual increase in humor, and then the big thing (or little thing that appears really funny) happens, and starts the uncontrolable laughter. I love that be laughing from deep inside, exerting all of your strength towards the laughter that you can't hold in. Those are truly good and memorable times.
The second thing that makes me laugh like crazy, is to be laughing already. Sometimes it can be funny to laugh at laughter. Believe it or not, laughing can be really funny in itself. It is truly possible to laugh at laughing. That can set off the domino effect, creating an irrisitible giggle that grows into "rolling on the floor laughter."
The third thing that makes laughter uncontrollable is the laughter that comes when you're not supposed to laugh. For exampe, in ninth grade, one of my teachers (unnamed for protection) was walking up the aisle between our desks when... well, let's just say that a normal bodily function (sound-oriented) occured. This function lasted from the back of the classroom up to her desk. Now, only the student behind me and myself heard this bodily function. Now, in many other settings, it would have been ok to laugh, but not then... not when it was a teacher whom I was to respect. Now, I cannot begin to describe the difficultly the two of us were having in containing our nearly irripressible giggles. I must admit that several escaped me, but I did my best to cover them up. I had to use all of my might to keep myself from embarassing my teacher. This is one of those times when laughter just comes naturally, merely because it's not supposed to. I was finally able to laugh while retelling this story to my family. It is likely that I was laughing too hard to speak or breath. Good times.
The fourth reason we laugh like this is because something truly funny does happen, and you simply cannot contain it.
The final reason that I think that laughter can become irrepressible, would be that you simply need a truly genuine laugh. In this case, your laughter can be sparked by many things. Funny, stupid, ridiculous...anything can start a good laugh when you need one.
I love to laugh. Don't you? Uncontrollable laughter (like when Mr. Rich puts his hands on his knees, cannot breath, and actually starts crying) can create wonderful memories (especially if it's genuine clean humor)! Such laughter can be sparked by my mood, something stupid, something ridiculous, something humorous, something gross, something truly funny, anything, or nothing at all. It's wonderful. Good night.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Why not miss a Friday?

For as long as I can remember, I've preferred not to miss school. This prefference has grown right along with my amount of homework. However, I don't think that being sick and missing a Wednesday or Thursday is quite as frustrating as missing a Friday due to illness. On Friday, I told my mom this, and she asked me why. I will attempt to explain my reasoning in the next two or three or four paragraphs.
Friday is TEST day. Many teachers attempt to get testing over with before the weekends, and therefore test on Fridays. As we all know, missing a test or assignment due date isn't a good thing. One thing piles on top of another, and by the time you get back to school, it takes about two or three days to make up the one that you missed.
Secondly, we don't have school again until Monday. This means that I'll be having to worry about all of the things I missed for the entire weekend. There is, however, the benefit of having the weekend to recover... but still...what if you get better by Friday night? This leads into my third reason for not wanting to miss a Friday at school.
Ever sinse I was little, if I missed school on Friday, I felt like I couldn't do anything the entire weekend. If I had fun and/or played with friends or got wild, I felt guilty. Usually, I couldn't play with friends if I hadn't gone to school (this makes perfect sense). So, when I feel lousy on a Friday, I don't like to miss school, because I feel like I've thrown my weekend I won't be able to have as much fun or do as many fun things with my family.
I don't know if these reasons sound silly to anyone, but oh well. My mom told me that a legitimately sick student should be able to miss one day of school without losing points, worrying, or feeling guilty. While I agree with her, I still came to school half-way through Friday. The above reasons are given for why I "decided to show up." -quoting Mr. Rich. Haha. Just teasing. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. You're all allowed to because you came to school on Friday. Haha.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Special Occassion?

Yesterday, I had the same thing happen to me about three times. I spilled a ton of water into my lap twice. Then the little boy that I was babysitting accidentaly dumped ice water all over his face. These were all really funny, but I was wondering...why is it that things like this all happen really close to each other?
The first reason that these things probably happen is that they fit the mood that we are in. Sometimes when things happen to us, they happen due to how we feel or act. If we stay in the same mood throughout the day the same results may come more than once throughout the day.
Secondly, we're paranoid that we'll make the same mistake again. Not only does this increase my likeliness of having it happen again, it makes it a bigger deal the second time that it comes. It can get ridiculous when it happens three times during the day. (It's a good thing that I was in a good mood and that Mr. Rich made it so funny.)
Finally, when we do something, there is usually an effect or result to what we do. Sometimes, as the song says, "one thing leads to another." The things that we do or have happen cause more occurences of a similar nature to follow. It gets crazy, but it can be funny (especially if it's a waterfall of ice-cold water pouring into my lap or onto the face of my neighbor.
Sometimes, these repetitions aren't desirable. However, they can be humorous. Either way, the chain-reactions are usually caused by the mood, paranoia, and "one thing leads to another" concept. That' s my interpretation anyway. Haha.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Why do I love "Pride and Prejudice" so much?

At the beginning of the school year, I read Pride and Prejudice for the very first time. About two weeks ago, I saw the new movie for the first time. I love it. I watched it three and a half times last weekend alone. So, why do I like it so much?
I think that having read the book made it really good. So often I read a book and wish it was a movie. Pride and Prejudice is one of those books that you just don't want to end. So, to be able to watch the movie is so enjoyable. It helps to carry on the effect of the book, even though I already know what's going to happen.
Many authors have the ability to put the reader through the pain and hardships of the characters. This can be very frustrating, just like in Pride and Prejudice. Then, when you think all is lost, the happiest ending ever emerges. It comes out of no where. Watching this movie gives me a sense of happiness that can only come after trial. It makes the happiness so much more special than if Lizzy and Darcy got married a month after they met. There's a sense of having earned the happiness. It's so awesome.
Ever sense I was a little girl, I've dreamed about marrying the perfect man myself. While no one is perfect, Mr. Darcy represents Lizzy's perfect match. It makes everyone excited and anxious for their "perfect" someone, even though they won't be perfect. Watching Pride and Prejudice makes me want to get married and live with my husband as one; together forever. It almost gives me feelings of envy of Lizzy. It makes me want to find someone almost exactly like Fitzgerald Darcy.
I love connecting with Lizzy. When the different Mr. Collins tries to marry her, when she has a beautiful sister, when she feels unable to let go of her pride, when she wants Mr. Darcy to love her... and then, it all works out wonderfully for her.
I love Pride and Prejudice because it gives me a chance to connect with someone and guess about possibilities for my future. (I also love the custom of bowing upon entering and exiting the presence of others. I think we should bring that custom to life here.) Lizzy and Mr. Darcy are a nearly "perfect" couple who we all learn to love. Well, good night one and all. Love y'all.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Why not silly goose?

For my adult roles class, I'm required to go on a two-hour date that costs less than five dollars. Well, I've only been on two dates in my life, and I'm nervous. I don't want to ask someone on a date. I tell myself that that's not normal for a teenager. Why don't I want to ask someone on a date?
Well, I've only been on two dates so far. They were both pretty awkward, and I guess I'm kind of afraid that all dates will be like that. It's no fun to be with someone who doesn't talk on their own, and answers questions that you ask with one word answers. It also makes it uncomfortable to be with someone that you know is uncomfortable being on the date from merely watching their body-language. I don't want to go on a date with someone who won't be comfortable, thus making me uncomfortable.
Next, is that I have an incredibly strong relationship with my family. I'm very good friends with each member of my family, and spending time like that with someone else is just weird. It took me forever to start getting out of my house once in a while in order to spend time with my friends. This is probably the most unique reason for not looking forward to a date, but it's a matter of fact.
Third, I'm afraid that the person that I ask on a date will be put out and truly not want to come. I know that they can say no, but no one that I'd ask would probably say that. I've been asked on dates that I didn't want to go on before, and I don't want to make anyone feel like that. I guess that that's not something that I can worry about. If we all worried about that, no one would ask anyone on any dates, ever. Haha.
My final reason for avoiding dating is just the fact that it's new to me. Some new things we look forward to, and some we don't. I know that I'm unique in that dating right now isn't something I'm extremely excited for (I've been eligible for eleven months now). It's funny how I don't realize the true reasons for my actions and feelings until I write a blog on them. Now I know that I don't look forward to my required date because of awkwardness, spending time in a different environment, fear and the fact that it's still new to me. Oh well. Either I'll toughen up or take my dad. Love ya'll.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Who needs religion?

I DO! I know that I need religion in my life. That's an obvious fact for myself. So why do I need it? What makes my religion so important and special in my life.
Religion gives us a purpose in life. It usually teaches people why they're here and what they're supposed to be doing. My religion lets me know that I'm here for a special purpose and that there are things that I need to do, as well as things that I'm not supposed to do. Without this knowledge, I'd be in big trouble doing things that I can't imagine doing with what I know.
Secondly, my religion lets me know that this life isn't the end. I'm here to prove that I can do what I'm supposed to do. When I die, it certainly isn't the end, but a new beginning. Without that knowledge, life and death would be a lot more worrysome and depressing. While it's still sad, it's easier to cope with, when you know that death isn't the end.
Next, my religion has a leader telling me what to do. This leader is the prophet of the church, and he gives us constant revelative guidance. This helps so much to have someone alive now leading me and showing me what I need to be doing. This is an awsome gift and I'm so glad that I have a modern-day prophet. It's so cool.
The fourth reason that religion is so important to me is that it is a big part of my life. I go to church once a week for three hours, go to young womens' once a week for about 1 1/2 hours, I read scriptures and words of my leaders every day, and I have many many more opportunities to make my religion part of my life.
Finally, religion is important to me because it gives me a reason to keep on going and do what I'm supposed to. I can stay on the right path because I believe that my religion is true. I have built my own person testimony of the truth of my religion. I've made it a part of my life, and I'm grateful for it. It's so amazing to have a strong knowledge and faith in such amazing beliefs. It's awsome. I love my religion as a Latter Day Saint, and I'm so glad that it's important and necessary to me. Love Ya'll!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Man vs Nature

This weekend my dad and younger brothers went on a campout with the ward young men. In case anyone doesn't know, it's darn cold outside right now. My mother and I (as well as my little sister) were at home wondering why anyone would want to put themselves through a night of bitter coldness in the mountains...for ENTERTAINMENT? It didn't make sense to us, so that's my question to explore.
When we tried to talk my dad out of the crazy overnighter he said there was no way he'd cancel because the youth were set on it and excited. I think part of the reason for the winter campouts is the tradition that can be found. Every year, they have to go on some sort of excursion. If they didn't, they'd be breaking a tradition (even if it is a cold one).
The second reason I came up with is the factor of excitement and fun activities. They go up to Aspen Grove and go sledding every year. They have a blast, and the temperature helps (rather than hurt) the activity of sledding. They also have campfires, which are also more fun to have when you aren't hot.
The final reason that I could come up with was the gaining of Survival Skills for a scout. They get to go up and set up camp, learn what to pack in order to stay warm, build a campfire, cook meals and get along with those around them. These are all very valuable skills to obtain.
Well, I asked my dad if these reasons were acurate. He said that they are, but added another reason. This is the reason of "Personal Growth," as he put it. The youth go and learn independence. They do things that will help them go from being a boy to being a man.
After this blog, I can actually see some reasoning in having winter campouts. It's kind of funny, because every time I write a blog, I end up proving my doubts or questions wrong. Oh well... I guess that's the whole purpose ... to see the world in another point of view. Cool. TaTa! Love ya'll!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What's the Point?

You often hear about couples having to get used to each others' differences after marriage. The one I always seem to hear about though, is the controversial toilet-paper roll positioning. Many like the end of the paper to come from the bottom, while others, such as myself, prefer the tp to roll off of the top. So, here's my question: Why do people argue about small and insignificant differences following marriage, rather than simply compromising?
I guess the first thing for myself would be the difficulty of making new habbits. It's not always easy to get used to new habbits or tendencies. When my parents got married, my dad would take his socks off and leave them lying on the floor when he got home. This drove my mom crazy, but it was simply a habbit. It's not an easy thing to overcome any sort of habitual trait.
The second reason for making small things into a large dramatic deal would probably be personal prefference and convenience. Even in my home now, I find it very annoying when the toilet paper is on with the end coming from the bottom. I don't make a very big deal of it, because most of my family feels the same way as I do. While I probably won't when I get married either, I will continue to put it on the way that I prefer, because it's a more convenient and economically beneficial way of putting the toilet paper on the roll. It doesn't take as long do find the darn end.
This brings me to the third reason for doing things how you want them done. STUBBORNESS! (I hope I spelt that right, or else I totally ruined the dramatic effect of all CAPS. Oh well.) At my house, we have a few stubborn people (myself) who like to be right. When we get into an argument, even if it's humorous, there are a couple of us who are determined to win. If you put two people like this into the toilet paper situation, that roll-holder will never have a roll put on the same way as the one before it. People like to have things the way that they want them. We, as a general society, want to get what we want. Man, we're spoiled.
Finally, the last reason that compromise isn't made in situations like this is our environment growing up. This one kind of ties back into each of the others. Our habits are often formed for us in our homes, where we develop our prefferences. When I get married, I'll want to make chicken soup and bread on Sundays, because that's what I do now. If my husband doesn't like that, that'll just be too bad. This kind of brings it all together. My habits of making soup, as well as my environment, prefference and, yes my stubborness, will keep me from compromising away from my homemade Sunday dinner. While some people are just OCD or controll freaks, these are probably the four main reasons that people avoid compromise after marriage or any new arrangements.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Deal or NO DEAL?

The only way to shop is to shop the clearances. That's what I say. However, this isn't what most Americans seem to feel. Why is it that people will buy jeans for sixty dollars instead of ten to fifteen dollars. I simply don't understand. I guess I'll try to figure out why people are willing to pay regular price for everything.
I guess the first reason would be that people haven't been educated in the art of clearance shopping. My mom has taught me well. I can get formal dresses at prices from anywhere from $6.00 - $25.00. And these aren't lame or casual dresses. Each and every one of them is from Dillards, in excellent shape and style. However, you have to know what time of year the sales come, when additional percentages are taken off of sale prices, where the sale clothes are, and have an open mind (sometimes, but you can usually find what you need if you're willing to shop around.) People have to know how to get the good deals in order to get them.
Even if people knew when sales come, there are still those who would continue to buy their expensive clothing and shoes. I think that some people feel cuter and more "in style" when they pay more for their clothing. I'm always hearing on tv about women who go out and spend a thousand dollars on a swimingsuit or something like that. There are a few strange people who must feel better about themselves, depending on the cost of their apparel.
My grandmother, as well as some people my age, go into a store knowing exactly what they need. They find it, don't try it on or even glance at the price tag, and then they buy it. This is followed by a mad dash to get out of the store or shopping mall as soon as possible. I think that clearance shopping takes patience. While I'm not very patient in other ways, this is a different kind of patience. I'll know that something I like at regular price will be at least half (often more than sevent-five percent off) in a month or two. There's no point in buying it unless it's absolutely necessary, which is sometimes the case.
Well, I think I've pretty much figured out why people don't shop the clearances. They don't know how, they feel "cheap" looking, or they don't have the bargain-shopping patience that's a must. While I will always continue to shop the clearances and get my twenty-five dollar full outfits (yes, including shoes), I have a better understanding at why others don't do the same. Those poor individuals. They'll never know the satisfaction of getting a truly awsome deal.